Wednesday, January 6, 2010
As the feudalism declined, enclouser movement, fencing of the feilds and new methods in farming came to be adopted. The agriculture labour migrated to cities. Here the migrated labour was available cheaply to the industries, making industrial revolution successful. International trade was greatly flourishing. The raw material was suppelied from newly acquired colonies. They also served as markets for their finished goods. These factors helped in the growth of Industrial evolution.
England became the cetre of this revolution. All facilities were available here. In the neighbouring places of England, there were many Coal and Iron mines. The sea coast was convenient for shipping to many countries. The climat condition was humid and was most useful for textile industry. The people of England influenced by these conditions began to work for new scientific inventions. These factors hastened the process of industrial revolution in England.
There was huge surplus wealth in England, accumulated in the form of profits from sea trade since England was the only country engaged in import and export trade. There were thousands of workers available in thiscountry who were migrated from the agricultural villages in search of employement.
In the 17th century a strong and powerful government wa established in England providing peace and security. This government encouraged trade and commerce and did not interfere with private trade and followed " Laisseze Fare" (Liberal trade) policy. Shiping industry flourished as the coal and iron mines existed nearer to each other. This helped in flourishing sea-born trade.
The geogriphical discoeries gave many encouraging opportunities to interested and enterprising businessman. By 1700 A.D the east India company in India was exporting textiles, calico and other goods to European countries. They exported Cotton as raw material to England and made revolutionary progress in the production of textiles.
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