Friday, January 8, 2010


* James Hargreaves of England invented spinning Jenny in 1770, which could spin yarn faster and in large quantities.

* Richard Ark Wright introduced Roller spinning frame which could be operated by water power (water frame).

* Samuel Crompton, combined the properties of spinning jenny and water frame, and introduced a new machine called "Mule" which improved the production of yarn.

* In 1785 Cart Wright introduced a new Loom for weaving using water power.
* In 1793, Elli Witin introduced Contingen which could seprate cotton from seed.

* In 1769, James Watt invented Steam Engine, which brought a great revolution in the production of goods.
The knowledge of melting of Iron and making steel helped in making strong and powerful machines.

* In 1814 George Stevenson introduced a Cart run by steam power to transport coal from the mines to the sea ports. This was the begning of the present day railways.

* In 1830, the first train traveled from Liverpool to Manchester. The railway lines were laid through out the country. In America also railways were laid. In our country during the - royalty of Lord Dalhouie the first Railway line was laid. Dulhousie the then Governor-general encouraged the quick development of Railways. During Dalhousie's period the roadways to the extent of 2000 miles were laid. A grand trunk road was laid between Calcutta and Punjab on which a number of bridges
were constructed. Dalhousie Introduced Telegraph and cheap postage's in India.
For the convenience of journey canals were dug and bridges were built.

John Macadam started the system of building safer roads with stones.

Gradually Steamships, Motor cars, Air planes were invented.

* In the 19th century Rolland Paul introduced penny post card system to send message from place to place with lesser cost.

* Telegraph and Telephones brought unimaginable development in the field of communications. Upto 1830 England remained as the workshop of the world.

* The first railway line was laid between Bombay to Thane in 1853 Dulhousie the then Governer-general encouraged the quick development of Railways. During Dalhousie's period the roadways to the extent of 2000 miles were laid. A grand trunk road was laid between Calcutta and Punjab on which a number of bridges were constructed. Dalhousie introduced Telegraph and cheap postages in India.